Photo taken by Ava Hattam

Photo taken by Ava Hattam

Welcome to my website 😊 Pan’s Art Studio.

I (Pan) am a Naarm/Melbourne based artist, but I spent the first ten years of my life in Phuket, Thailand. I decided that I didn’t want to lock myself into only one area of art. If you’ve seen my Instagram, you’ll notice a mix of mediums and any other new and exciting artistic endeavour that I see.

My love of art was initially fostered at my first home in Phuket, but my time in High School was where I really started to love and appreciate art. My High School’s art department was very strong and encouraging and helped me along the way to achieve my dreams, one being accepted into the Melbourne University, Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). I am a full time student in my last year of Drawing and Printmaking and I still love it as much as when I started.

Thank you for visiting my website and if you are interested in knowing more about any of my works or just want to chat feel free to contact me via the contact form or via 😊